Sunday, February 4, 2018


In a previous post I mentioned the principles of Mobilization and Transformation. The last post was dedicated to Mobilization. Today we will talk about Transformation. 

What is transformation? The dictionary definition says "a thorough or dramatic change in form or appearance." The Bible tells us that we should be transformed by the renewing of the mind. There is more to salvation than just going to heaven. Eternal life is being in a non-ending relationship with God. Salvation is more than forgiveness of sins and being born again. Salvation involves healing and deliverance and living in a covenant relationship with God. 

The church has been commissioned to make disciples. Disciples are those who have been born again and now have a living relationship with the Lord. In obedience to His leading they live to do what He said and what He says. The children of God have been restored to a relationship with Him AND restored to their responsibility of having dominion over this earth. 

Disciples of Jesus and the church are in a position to have dominion by establishing and advancing the Kingdom of God on earth. We are not called to set up political kingdoms but we have been called to bring a thorough and dramatic change to the nations of the World. The church is not tasked only with winning people to Jesus. We are called to make disciples who should be salt and light and be agents of change. The church should be a righteous influence in our communities. It should influence government, business, education, entertainment, society, and culture. We must think in terms of not just changing the church but changing the nations by the power of God. 

We hear a lot about revival. And the church needs revival. We should be praying and seeking Revival. But revival doesn't change the nations...... and if it has an impact, it isn't permanent. Lance Wallnau gave a nice example of the difference between revival and transformation. Imagine a  commercial jet filled with 400 passengers in the cabin and a crew of 4 in the cockpit. There can be a revival and great harvest in the cabin and many passengers can be saved. The number of Christians can increase from 100 to 200 to 300. Despite a majority of Christians, the plane will still go where the pilot and crew fly it. They can cause it to fly in the wrong direction and even crash the plane. The Christians need to win the crew to the Lord and disciple them. The "church" needs to influence the leaders. Christians need to become leaders. 

Some will say we need to pray for the "pilots" and we do. But we can't pray for heathen leaders and expect change to come without witnessing to leaders. God has a plan for schools, the "arts," business, the economy, etc. We can see God's plan come forth through Transformation.

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